Meeting Information

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Council Meetings are generally held on the Thursday following the 3rd Monday of each month with the exception of:

  • January: there are no meetings scheduled; and

  • December: the meeting is usually held earlier in the month.

Please see the Council Meeting Schedule as adopted by Council for the date each month.

Please note that Extraordinary Council Meetings may be called with notice at anytime.


Meetings are held in the Council Chambers located on the lower ground floor of the Lane Cove Council Civic Centre at 48 Longueville Road, Lane Cove (unless otherwise stipulated as being held online).

Agendas and Minutes

Council Agendas are prepared and distributed on the Thursday prior to each meeting.

Council Minutes are prepared and distributed on the Tuesday following each meeting. 

Public Forum

Speaking at a Public Forum

Speaking at a Public Forum

Members of the public can address Council for a time limit of three (3) minutes per person (in-person or virtually) during the public forum segment of the Ordinary Council Meeting. Register by using the online form no later than midnight, on the day prior to the Ordinary Council Meeting. 

Please be aware that when registering for the Public Forum, you are not permitted to speak on a matter you have previously addressed with the Council, unless that matter is listed on the current Council Agenda. For further details, please refer to Section 4, Public Forums, subsection 4.8 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.

The public forum provides an opportunity to address only. It is not a forum for debate or response from Councillors.

Written Submissions

Members of the public can submit a written submission via email to 

Written submissions are to be received by Council no later than midnight, on the day prior to a Council Meeting (maximum 500 words). 

Please ensure the subject line of your submission is as follows: Written Submission for Council Meeting - Insert Date - Insert Subject

The name and suburb of all participants, with a summary of the matters raised, is recorded and published in the recorded Minutes of the Council Meeting. Please see Council's Privacy Statement


Meeting Procedure

Council's meetings are governed by a Code of Meeting Practice, which outlines rules for submission of business items, attendance, debate and declaration of interest. 

For questions regarding Council meetings please contact the Governance Officer on (02) 9911 3525.