Boreen re-opens

Published on 23 November 2023

Boreen track

In news that we know will please many locals, the southern-most entrance from Burns Bay Road into Lovetts Reserve has been finally re-opened! We’ve been working with Sydney Water for some time to remediate contaminated lands declared by the NSW Environmental Protection Authority, requiring the closure of the walking track at the Boreen for the duration of this work.

Contaminants of concern were detected on site, including pesticides, hydrocarbons and heavy metals. The source of these contaminants is likely to be the former chemical manufacturer once found here.

Specialist contractors have removed contaminated soil, followed by capping of the affected area, which has now met the safety standards required by the NSW EPA. The site has been recently planted to help prevent erosion of the topsoil and bush regeneration works have re-commenced here. Sydney Water has built some new sandstone steps and railing as part of the track being re-opened.