Lane Cove Council seeds Sunflowers

Published on 03 December 2024

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Council has celebrated International Day of People with Disability by joining the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program

Globally 1 in 6 people live with a disability. That is approximately 1.3 billion people.

While some experience a disability that is visible, many have a non-visible condition that can be temporary, situational, or permanent. Some examples of hidden disabilities include autism, anxiety, dementia, epilepsy, and hearing loss, and include chronic health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, chronic pain, severe allergies and sleep disorders.

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program gives those living with a hidden disability access to a Sunflower lanyard.  Wearing the lanyard is a way to let others know you have a disability, condition or chronic illness that isn't immediately apparent. By wearing it, you can signal that you might need extra help, understanding, or patience when you're out in public, at work, in shops, or using transportation. The Sunflower is a simple yet effective way to communicate your non-visible disability without explaining it whenever you need assistance.

Some Lane Cove Council staff have received training to be able to better assist those with a hidden disability. Some staff wear ‘Sunflower Champion’ lanyards or badges to indicate they are a safe person to approach for additional help.

Sunflower lanyards are available on request at:

  • Lane Cove Civic Centre
  • Lane Cove Library
  • St Leonards library

The Sunflower lanyards are recognised globally throughout the retail, travel and tourism industries including NSW transport, Metro Trains Sydney, Sydney airport and over 200 airports globally.

To find more about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program, or more about hidden disabilities go to


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