Oleanders in Greenwich

Published on 05 March 2025

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Last year Council began the process of removing the Nerium oleander – Oleander shrubs along Greenwich Road between Chisholm Street and Church Street.

These plants were removed as they are classified as a highly toxic pest plant under the Biosecurity Act 2015 and Council has a General Biosecurity Duty to manage this weed species.

Prior to the removal of the remaining Oleanders and stumps this year, Council is providing an update to residents and seeking feedback from affected residents as to the replacement planting options.

Council has received multiple requests to install a footpath on the eastern side of Greenwich Road along the Shell refinery boundary. A site inspection has concluded that the construction of a footpath in this location would require the removal of several large trees. To improve pedestrian access along this section of Greenwich Road, Council is planning to install a crushed sandstone path along the current well-formed track. This path will enable safer pedestrian access without causing any harm to the existing trees. A concrete pedestrian footpath remains available on the western side of Greenwich Road.

There have also been different suggestions from residents in relation to replacement planting suggesting Council reinstate the planting to obscure the view of the fuel tanks while others have asked that no replacements are planted to retain the new views. The suggestion to let the stumps regrow is not supported by Council, the stumps need to be removed to finalise the removal of the weeds.  

To gather feedback on the different options for future planting in this location, Council is asking neighbouring residents to complete a short survey related to the options for street tree replacement. The survey closes on 11 April 2025.

If you’ve not received a notification letter you are welcome to email service@lanecove.nsw.gov.au to provide any feedback on this matter.

If there is a decision to proceed with replacement planting then this would take place during the cooler Autumn months. 

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