Organisational Structure
Lane Cove Council's Executive Leadership Team
The General Manager, Steven Kludass (Acting) is responsible for the short and long term strategies of Council as well as the everyday operations of Council. Contact: (02) 9911 3510
Director - Corporate Services and Strategy, Stephen Golding (Acting) is responsible for administration, governance, finances, purchasing, human resources, information technology, risk management and work health & safety. Contact: (02) 9911 3646
Director - Planning and Sustainability, Mark Brisby is responsible for strategic land use planning, heritage, all development applications and construction certificates, environmental education and sustainability, waste and recycling services, fire safety and food safety. Contact: (02) 9911 3610
Director - Community and Culture, Stephanie Kelly is responsible for libraries, cultural development, community facilities and buildings, community development, events and child care. Contact: (02) 9911 3591
Director - Open Space and Infrastructure - Martin Terescenko is responsible for traffic and transport, parks, bushcare, trees, landscaping, asset management and Council's depot. Contact: (02) 9911 3583