Disability Inclusion Action Plan


Under the Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (NSW), all Councils must have a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP).

The Lane Cove Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 - 2026 was developed following a community consultation plan which included engagement with the local community, local businesses, service providers, Councillors and Council staff. Individual and group conversations were conducted by the consultants with Council staff, support services and people with disability living locally. Council Committees were consulted including the Age Friendly Advisory Committee, the Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee and workshops took place with key staff and Councillors between March – August 2022.  The draft plan was then placed on public exhibition for a six week periord.  This gave our community an oppertunity to provide further feedback before the documant was issued to Council for review.

The Lane Cove Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 - 2026 was adopted by Council 23 February 2023.