Suppliers and Tenders

Register as a supplier

Register now with VendorPanel Marketplace or TenderLink so we can invite you to quote for upcoming work.

For general contract and tender enquiries contact our Governance Team via email 


What are the key features and benefits for Businesses and Suppliers?

Registering for VendorPanel Marketplace is completely free for suppliers/businesses. It means receiving timely quote requests from Council and being able to submit quotes quickly and easily

  • VendorPanel Marketplace is easy to navigate
  • No pre-qualification is necessary for businesses/suppliers to register on VendorPanel Marketplace
  • Businesses and suppliers will be more visible and accessible to Council purchasing staff
  • Businesses and suppliers will not have to spend as much time quoting
  • It will be easier for businesses/suppliers to respond to a Council request for a quote
  • VendorPanel Marketplace provides opportunities for businesses and suppliers to be visible to other councils and government entities within Australia that utilise VendorPanel Marketplace.

It is important to note that registering on VendorPanel Marketplace does not provide a guarantee of securing work with Council

Why is category selection important during the registration process?

Local businesses and suppliers should register in all the categories that best represent the goods and/or services available to Council. This will help raise awareness with Council purchasing staff that a business/supplier exists in a particular category.

Businesses/suppliers are encouraged to register in more than one category if relevant to the goods and/or services they provide

How do I register under more than one category?

Complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the VendorPanel Marketplace website
  2. Click on the category and subcategories that best suit your business.
  3. Enter the business name, email address and follow the screen prompts (ensuring that the email address is identical to the one used when initially setting up the account).
  4. An email will be sent to the email address provided to confirm all details provided.
  5. Click on the email and log into the business's profile.
  6. Check that the additional categories have been added to the business profile.

What if a business/supplier is an existing business/supplier on an established arrangement on VendorPanel, does that business/supplier still need to register?

Yes. The VendorPanel Marketplace is different to being an existing business/supplier on an established arrangement on VendorPanel.

The VendorPanel Marketplace will be used for quotations sought from businesses/suppliers where goods and/or services are not able to be sourced from an established arrangement.

Clause 8.1 and 8.2 of the Service Provider Agreement state that a fee may be charged; however Council states that registration is free. Will a fee be charged?

There is no charge to suppliers who register to the Marketplace environment and no ongoing fees to suppliers who register to Marketplace.

Clauses 8.1 and 8.2 provide VendorPanel Pty Ltd the right to charge suppliers if additional functionality is built into Marketplace in the future. Prior to suppliers gaining access to any additional functionality, suppliers will be advised if a fee is applicable.d

Business ethics

As well as the Code of Conduct, we've adopted standards for all tenderers, suppliers, contractors and consultants. Read our Statement of Business Ethics

Tenderers, suppliers, contractors and consultants must:-

  • Comply with Council’s procurement policies and procedures
  • Provide accurate and reliable advice and information when required
  • Declare actual or perceived conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest includes both pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests and is equally important. A pecuniary interest is an interest that a person has in a matter because of the reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person or another person with whom the person is associated. Associated persons include relatives, partners and employers. A non-pecuniary interest may include family relationships, friendships, positions in associations, or other interests that do not involve financial gain or loss.
  • Act ethically, fairly and honestly in all dealings.
  • Refrain from exerting pressure or to offer any inducements or incentives or future employment to officers or elected officials.
  • Ensure safety of the community at all times
  • Prevent the unauthorised release of privileged information, including confidential Council information
  • Refrain from discussing Council dealings with the media, except with Council's consent
  • Report to Council's General Manager any suspected breach of these ethical standards.

Reporting Unethical Behaviour

Reports of unethical behaviour, fraud, corrupt conduct, mal-administration or waste can be made in writing to: 

General Manager

Lane Cove Council

PO Box 20

Lane Cove NSW 1595.

Current Tenders 

Expressions of Interest (EOI) for a Food, Beverage and Events (FB&E) Operator at the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre

Council has called for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for a Food, Beverage and Events (FB&E) Operator at the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre. The FB&E venue will play a pivotal role in complementing the Centre’s sporting and recreational offerings, whilst serving as a standalone destination for the Lane Cove community and beyond.

The venue features floor-to-ceiling operable glazing, seamlessly connecting indoor and outdoor dining areas to create a visually stunning and flexible environment for a range of activities. This unique space is designed to cater for both casual dining and special events.

The EOI is the first stage in Council’s procurement process and closes 4 March 2025.

For more information click here or use the below link.

Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure Property For Lease in 180 River Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066 | Commercial Real Estate


Request for Tender (RFT) - Provide Operation and Management Services at the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre

Council has called for Tenders via the Vendor Panel procurement platform to provide Operation and Management Services at the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre:

Located at 180 River Road, Lane Cove, the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre (LCSRC / Centre) is a major sporting and recreation project currently under construction for the Northern Region of Sydney, Lower North Shore sub-region, and the Lane Cove Community.

The Centre is due for completion by December 2025 and will deliver an all-year-round sporting and recreational site of a standard that does not currently exist in the area, and will include:

  • 4 indoor multi-sport courts;
  • 4 outdoor multi-sport courts;
  • Indoor/outdoor dining area;
  • 3 multi-purpose rooms totalling 300m2 which can be used individually or combined for dining, events and recreation activities;
  • 1 dedicated program room of 300m2 suitable for recreation activities located on the mezzanine level;
  • Golf Professional Shop and dedicated amenities to serve the existing 9-hole public golf course;
  • 246 space undercover car park.

The overarching operating and management model accommodates social and competition sport, recreation, dining and events. Council’s vision for the Centre is underpinned by a Community-First ethos, at the December 2023 Meeting Council resolved “that the core goal of the Centre is to operate as a service to the community.”

Tender closes at 5pm 18 March 2025.

To view current public tenders on VendorPanel and Tenderlink click on via the link below.


Tenders & EOI's Under Assessment

Request for Tender (RFT) Asphalt 2027 - Road Resurfacing, Patching and Associated Works for Northern Sydney Regional Organisations of Councils (NSROC)

Tender closed on 14 February 2025. Tenders received are currently under review.

Request for Tender (RfT) - Bush Regeneration and/or Track Construction Works Panel

Council invited qualified individuals or contractors to submit tenders for Bush Regeneration and Track Construction services. Successful applicants will join Council’s supplier panel and may be eligible to provide services for up to 5 years (initially 3 years, with two optional 1-year extensions). Tenders closed at 5:00pm on 26 November 2024 and were available on Vendor Panel and Tenderlink and. Tenders received are currently under review.

Recent Successful Tenders


Scope of Work

Tendered Price


Ezypave Pty Ltd  

Burns Bay Road paving between Rosenthal Avenue and Tambourine Bay Road, Lane Cove.

 $639,950 (ex GST)  05/09/2024
Danrae Remedial Services Pty Ltd  Remediation of roof of 1 Pottery Lane, Lane Cove  $1,102,600 (ex GST)




 TST Property Services  Cleaning Services - Council Facilities


 $435,506.48 (ex GST)




Solutions Built Australia Pty Ltd  Demolition and construction of natural turf sports field & associated facilities at Bob Campbell oval


 $4,642,856.12 (ex GST)




Synergy Turf Manufacturing Pty Ltd  Removal and recycling of synthetic turf at Blackman Park


 $555,000 (ex GST)




Synergy Turf Manufacturing Pty Ltd  Resurfacing of synthetic turf at Blackman Park  $1,916,642.50 (ex GST)  8/03/2024


 Avant Constructions Pty Ltd Upgrade Pottery Oval Amenities  $349,650.00 (ex GST)  13 December 2023
Convic Pty Ltd Demolition and construction of skatepark  $1,039,693.28 (ex GST)  30 November 2023
 Marsupial Landscape Management Pty ltd  Grass Cutting Services  $289,839.40 (ex GST) 1 July 2023

Floodlighting Australia Pty Ltd T/A Havencord

Blackman Park Lighting Upgrade

$560,000 (ex GST)

19 May 2022


Construction of a bridge over rail corridor at St Leonards

$28,184,550(ex GST)

19 December 2021

Synergy Turf Manufacturing Pty Ltd

Construction and installation of synthetic turf - Bob Campbell Oval

$3,293,692.33 (ex GST)

20 August 2021

*Subject to acceptance of Council's Conditions of Contract