Companion Animal Committee

This Committee provides advice to the General Manager on the use of open space and other facilities for companion animals within the Lane Cove municipality.

It assists Council to ensure that the services, facilities and provisions for companion animals and their owners are the best they can be, and that they are managed for the long-term benefit of all members of the community.

The Committee comprises of:

  • Three dog owners - one from each Lane Cove Council electoral ward (East, Central and West)
  • Three cat owners - one from each LCC electoral ward
  • One community member who does not own a companion animal
  • One representative from the LCC Bushland Managment Advisory Committee
  • One professional dog walker that operates in the Lane Cove area
  • One professional dog trainer that operates in the Lane Cove area
  • One veterinary professional whose practice is in Lane Cove
  • Two Councillors and two alternate Councillors and appropriate council staff.