Planning Proposals


A Planning Proposal is a document that seeks to amend Council's Local Environment Plan (LEP) planning controls.

All Planning Proposals will be assessed for consistency with the Greater Sydney Region Plan, North District Plan and Council's adopted Local Strategic Planning Statement. Proposals involving residential development will also be assessed against Council's Local Housing Strategy.


The preparation of a Planning Proposal is the first step in the process of amending a Local Environmental Plan (LEP). Planning Proposals may be initiated by Council or a third party. A third party rezoning request requires the completion of a Rezoning Application Form and prior consultation with Council's Manager Strategic Planning.

All Planning Proposals are reviewed by Council's Local Planning Panel prior to being determined by the Council, before being lodged with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment who will manage the proposal through the Gateway Process. Depending on the nature of a Planning Proposal, it may also be accompanied by proposed amendments to Lane Cove's other strategic planning documents (i.e. Development Control Plan) and/or a Development Application.

If a Planning Proposal passes through the Gateway, as part of the LEP amendment process public consultation will occur, prior to Council formally adopting a position. The NSW Department of Planning and Environment is then advised of Council's position, and the Minister for Planning will ultimately determine whether the amendment should proceed. Any Development Application can not be determined until this has occurred.

Please refer to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment's LEP Making Guideline for further information.

Current Planning Proposals

Previous Planning Proposals

  • Limited subdivision of certain dual occupancies - Gazetted on 1 September 2023.