
Bushcare volunteers on site
Bushcare is a partnership between Council and community volunteers to protect and restore bushland areas. Council provides bush regeneration training and equipment and community members volunteer their time and labour to restore the bush together. The Lane Cove Community Nursery also welcome volunteers to assist in propagating local native plants for Bushcare and other bushland projects.


UPCOMING EVENTSIntroduction to Bushcare Workshop, Saturday 29 March and Come and Try Bushcare Day, Saturday 24 May: Find out more.

Join over 200 local residents currently supporting Bushcare and the Community Nursery in Lane Cove!  

Interested in joining or finding out more? Use the Enquire about Bushcare button below or contact Council's Bushcare Co-ordinator directly on 9911 3579. 


22 Bushcare groups active in our area
1 StreamWatch group active in our area
Lane Cove Community Nursery

Connect with us on our Lane Cove Bushcare Facebook page.

Check out the latest edition of the Golden Whistler, our quarterly Bushcare newsletter.

Become a Bushcarer and receive:

  • On-site guidance and training in bush regeneration and/or plant propagation
  • Quarterly newsletter Golden Whistler
  • Invitation to training workshops
  • Invitation to annual Bushcare Christmas party 
  • Gloves and Bushcare hat/shirt (for regular attendees)

Bush Friends
Do you want to help regenerate and conserve the bushland behind your block or have an interest in planting out your nature strip? Please contact bushfriends@lanecove.nsw.gov.au for more information on Council’s Bush Friends and On the Verge programs.

Walks, Talks and Workshops
Find out about upcoming walks, talks and other fun environmental activities at our Nature Connections Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are lots of great reasons to join Bushcare:

It's fun!

Make friends with like-minded people
Enjoy a cuppa and chat at Bushcare, refreshments are provided at each session.

Boost your health
Spending time in nature reduces your blood pressure and the stress-related hormone cortisol, as recent scientific studies show.
Improve your mood, increase your energy levels and even boost your immune system! 

Explore and Protect your Bushland
Help our wildlife – Bushcarers have seen Powerful Owls, Echidnas and Lyrebirds, returning to Lane Cove reserves after a long absence.
Explore the bush near your home, watch birds, discover native wildflowers!
Plant trees, uncover native seedlings and watch them grow. 

Develop new skills and knowledge

  • Learn to identify weeds, native plants, trees and grasses
  • Practise effective weeding techniques for different types of plants – useful for your garden too!
  • Understand the threats to bushland and wildlife
  • Learn and apply bush regeneration principles; this helps you understand and contribute to your Bushcare site work plan.

Become part of an important group who have helped protect Lane Cove's bushland since the late 1960's. You can transform the bush near you!

Bushcarers typically undertake the following activities on site:

Plant identification - native and weed species
Hand weeding and woody weed removal
Site regeneration work
Planting seedlings
Wildlife observations

As often or as little as you like! There is no set commitment once you join Bushcare. Most groups meet for 3 hours each month, on a set day of the week, simply join when you can. 

No previous experience necessary, just enthusiasm for caring for the bush! A Council Bushcare supervisor provides bush regeneration training for all skill levels. 

Bring a hat, water and wear sturdy shoes (no thongs/sandals). Wear clothing that is comfortable and can get a bit dirty; long pants are recommended.

Yes. Council's Bushcare Program caters for businesses looking for opportunities to contribute to the community by helping protect and improve our natural environment.

Complete the Corporate Volunteer Enquiry Form and email to bushcare@lanecove.nsw.gov.au 

The Bushcare Co-ordinator will then contact you regarding opportunities for corporate volunteering. Your staff may be able to assist 
a local Bushcare group on their Bushcare site by removing weeds.  Other projects such as mulching, planting and track maintenance can be devised with some preparation.

Cost: $90 per volunteer which covers staff supervision costs and funding for the ongoing maintenance of the work sites.
Lane Cove Council provides all tools and materials needed, as well as staff to provide instruction and supervision for the activity.

Please give approximately 4 weeks notice for your requested dates.
Group numbers from 3 – 20 (max).

Our Bushcare Program welcomes people from ages 15 - 90 years old. Ages outside of this range are unfortunately not covered by insurance. Children under 15 years can attend a Bushcare group but must be supervised by a parent or guardian. High school students undertaking Duke of Edinburgh program can join Bushcare.