Greener Apartments Program
What is the Greener Apartments Program?
The Greener Apartments Program is a free Council initiative to assist apartment buildings and strata schemes reduce their energy and water use and save money. By joining the program you receive free, independent expert advice and support to help lower running costs and live in a building that is operating more efficiently.
Council will work with buildings to identify opportunities to reduce:
- Operating costs
- Common area energy use
- Gas use
- Water use
- Greenhouse gas emissions
Why get involved?
Buildings will receive free:
- Energy and water efficiency assessments performed by industry specialists
- Information on how to install electric vehicle charging stations and solar panels
- Detailed reports clearly illustrating the financial case for upgrades
The Sustainability Infrastructure amendments to the NSW Strata Schemes Management Act, only require passing of an ordinary resolution (rather than a special resolution which was previously required) for a sustainability infrastructure upgrade. This means you don’t need 50% of votes to pass the resolution, you just need 50% of the votes to not be against the resolution.
Who should apply?
We are looking for all apartment buildings committed to reducing their energy and water use and saving on operating costs. We encourage applications from all style of buildings, from small blocks through to large blocks with high energy bills and large communal facilities such as pools, gyms and underground car parks.
How to apply
Complete the Greener Apartments Program application form
Project process:
1. Interested residents submit the expression of interest application.
2. Council assesses expressions of interest and determines successful applicants.
3. Council organises and funds the energy, water and waste assessments and reports.
4. Building management or strata committee reviews energy, water and waste saving options and determines implementation.
5. Council requests feedback from participants to create case studies to support other buildings interested in energy, water and waste efficiency upgrades.
Additional Resources

Hear from a local resident about how they increased the capital value of their apartments by getting solar.
Watch another video to see how a Lane Cove apartment is saving more than $1,800 a quarter in common area costs.
City Futures Research Centre – How to implement sustainable retrofits in your strata scheme from UNSW Built Environment.
How to make positive change around your apartment building - This brochure provides a brief overview of opportunities for sustainability upgrades available for apartment buildings and how to go about making these changes.
Australian Government - Guide to renovating or buying a sustainable apartment.
Alternative Technology Association - Renters guides to sustainability (Homes and apartments).
Facilities Management Association of Australia (FMA) Good Practice Guide for Facilities Managers - helps Facilities Managers to maintain and sustain their buildings.