Trees on Public Land

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Our Open Spaces team look after public areas such as parks, sportsgrounds, bushland, nature strips and the golf course. We prune trees, collect fallen branches, and remove trees in accordance with Council's Tree Preservation and landscape guidelines and Urban Forest Strategy.  

General maintenance of nature strips, such as mowing the lawn, is the responsibility of the resident whose property adjoins the nature strip.

Street Tree Planting

Council selects street tree species consistent with Council's Street Tree Master Plan. Trees are selected based on the site location and site restrictions such as sight lines, services, size of the planting area and any other obstructions: i.e. the appropriate species for the appropriate location.  Residents will be notified with a letter prior to planting stating the proposed species. 

Report Council Tree Maintenance

If you require a street tree to be pruned, or a Council supplied tree to be planted, you can lodge a request for Council Tree Maintenance Request  

Street Trees Near Powerlines

Only Ausgrid's authorised contractors are allowed to remove trees or branches near live wires.

The general rule is that if the street tree is on public property and its branches overhang powerlines, or the tree is located within 3 metres of power lines, then Ausgrid is responsible for determining if it requires trimming or removal. They will be required to respond in the first instance, prior to Council.

To report street tree maintenance near power lines, you can complete the reporting form on Ausgrid's website. You will be asked to provide the street pole number or location.

In the case of an emergency involving power lines, do not fill out the online form – instead, contact Ausgrid immediately on 13 13 88.

Business Hours Emergencies

If the situation has arisen from a storm event and there is an imminent risk of failure, please contact Council directly and we will try to inspect the tree as soon as possible. 

Out of Hours Emergencies

If the situation has arisen from a storm event and there is an imminent risk of failure, please contact the SES on 132 500 for assistance.

If the tree has impacted overhead power (electricity) lines, please also contact Ausgrid on 13 13 88 (emergency only).