Weed Removal Techniques

Weed Removal Techniques

You can reduce the spread of weeds into bushland areas by:

  • Removing identified weeds from your garden and replacing them with non-invasive species.
  • Not dumping garden waste in bushland.
  • Composting garden clippings on-site or placing them in Councils green-waste bins for collection.

The information sheets below, provided by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, describe simple and effective weed removal techniques.

Control of small, hand-pullable plants

This fact sheet outlines methods for removal of small soft weeds (eg. Fleabane, Crofton Weed, small grasses) and seedlings of any weeds (eg. Privet, Lantana and Moth Vine).

Control of Vines and Scramblers

This fact sheet outlines methods for removal of vines e.g. Balloon Vine, Morning Glory, Honeysuckle, Cape Ivy, Jasmine, Madeira Vine and Blackberry.

Control of weeds with underground reproductive stems

This fact sheet outlines methods for removing weeds with tap roots (e.g. Catsear, Dandelion), rhizomes (e.g. Asparagus Fern, Ginger plant), bulbs and corms (e.g. Oxalis, Onion Weed, Watsonia, Freesias, Montbretia) and tubers (e.g. Madeira Vine, Turkey Rhubarb).

Control of Woody Weeds

This fact sheet outlines methods for removal of woody weeds e.g. Lantana, Bitou Bush, Cotoneaster, Privet, Camphor Laurel, Mickey Mouse Bush (Ochna) and Senna.

Use of Herbicides

Some of weed control techniques involves the use of herbicides as a control mechanism. You must always follow the safety precautions when using herbicides as they are poisons, and should be handled with the great care.

  • Read label before opening the container and follow the instructions closely.
  • Wear protective clothing (long sleeves, long pants, sturdy shoes, gloves, eye protection) as it can be absorbed very easily through the skin, by breathing the vapours, and by ingestion.
  • Keep children and pets away (when not in use secure in a locked cabinet).
  • Use a respirator when mixing or pouring the liquid.
  • Wash hands and equipment afterwards. Do not eat, drink or smoke during this time.

The pesticide label may give you specific information on how to handle a spill. In general:

  • Clean up any spills on your skin with large amounts of water.
  • For spills on the ground, cover with sand or other absorbent material e.g. sawdust, paper towel, kitty litter.
  • With small quantity household spills, the contaminated material can be placed into a heavy-duty garbage bag and disposed of in the bin.