At the Council Meeting of 17 March 2014, having originally called tenders for the project, the outcome of the negotiations undertaken to improve the commercial terms was considered, with EDG (WN Developments) making the following (best) offer:
i. “The completion of Council’s retained assets (200 space car park, air-bridge to the Aquatic Centre, entire ground floor office space and amenities, the Lane Cove Music and Cultural Centre and Terrace Function Room) for $12,500,000.
ii. A return to Council based on a profit share arrangement with a minimum return of $13,850,000 (irrespective of gross sales) plus a profit share to Council, ratcheting up from 30% up to 50% dependent on actual revenues achieved.
iii. Securitisation by:
a) the land staying in Council’s ownership until final sales of the units.
b) provision of a 10% retention during the construction of Council’s retained assets, to be held in a solicitors trust fund. The Retention monies held to reduce to 5% on issue of the interim occupation certificate for the community space and public carpark whichever occurs last.
c) submission of a further $2.5m unconditional bank guarantee to Council prior to the commencement of any residential works above the first floor level.”
Council anticipated a surplus from the transaction of $1,350,000.
Council’s actual surplus from the transaction was$10,647,820 (a 688% increase over anticipated). This is based on actual revenue of $23,147,820 less $12,500,000 for the construction of Council’s retained assets.
The surplus was used as part of the funding for The Canopy, avoiding the need for Council to use debt funding for that project.