Bob Campbell Oval

Bob Campbell Playground (2).jpg
Latest News

February Update

The project has made significant progress over the Summer with most elements of on-site works in their final stages.

The foreshore area including the playground, BBQs and fitness equipment is nearing completion with only a few additional landscaping items requiring installation. 

Works on the amenities building are also nearly finished with some minor internal fit out work still remaining.

At the rear of the reserve the dog park is now complete, and Council’s bushland contractor will commence bush regeneration works of the C2 area in March. 

The oval was recently top-dressed and the sand slit drainage will be installed in the coming weeks.

While the oval will still require establishment, Council expects it will soon be able to announce a date for the opening of the other park features.

November Update 

This past month has provided good conditions for the works schedule with the construction phase progressing well.  

The perimeter drainage is now complete and sportsfield light footings and poles are all in place. The new cricket pitch surface has been installed onto the base. The services to the amenities building have now been established and the framing of the building is complete. The new pedestrian-only footbridge is securely in place and ready for integration into the final footpath levels.

In addition to the playground equipment being in place, the picnic shelter bases have been excavated ahead of the shelters being erected before the end of the year. Preparation for future picnics is also progressing through the upcoming installation of the BBQs.

In the coming weeks our attention turns to the sprigging of the oval to help establish the grass field for its future use.

Residents interested in the detailed plans for the site can view a copy of the Detailed Plans or a Summary Illustration of the Plan.

September/October Update

The construction team continued to make significant progress at Bob Campbell Oval throughout September.  Field levels were completed which enabled the installation of the cricket pitch base.  The main drainage and irrigation lines have also been installed and the concrete footings for the sports field lights have been poured. We are expecting the light poles to be installed this month.

The dog park perimeter fencing has been installed, the sandstone steps to the water are complete, and the installation of the new play equipment is almost done. 

With the footings now completed, construction of the amenities building will be a major focus throughout October and November.

Pedestrian access to the completed oval has been improved with the construction underway on a pedestrian-only footbridge adjacent to the carpark entrance.

August Update

Although rain throughout July was challenging for the construction team at Bob Campbell Oval, the construction program remains on track.

Contractors have now completed the main drainage works for the project to prevent flooding of the oval and car park. Historically, during moderate storm events stormwater drained down the cliff face and used to flood the oval and car park – these new works will capture those flows and drain them appropriately.

Construction has commenced on the path along the base of the cliff face to provide connectivity from the reserve entrance in St Vincents Road to the new dog park and bush track up to River Road.

Following the demolition of the old amenities building, works have now commenced on the subgrade for the new car park which provides accessible parking options to the new amenities building, playground and sportsfield.

Council expects the foundation works for the new amenities building to commence in late August.

July Update

Our civil and drainage infrastructure works are now nearing completion. During the works there will be no access to Bob Campbell Oval from Gore Creek Reserve bushwalk entries at Fleming Street, River Road and Ford Street.

Works have commenced

Works to deliver the Bob Campbell Oval Masterplan are well underway in Greenwich which include a new turf sports field with lighting, playground, dog exercise area, car park improvements and a new amenities building.

As part of the project, Council will also be expanding the parking and provide a Shared User Path along St Vincents Road to Gore Street.

In the meantime, your closest playgrounds are Endeavour, Carlotta St, Propsting and Henningham. The nearest off-leash dog areas are at Lloyd Rees Park, Newlands Park and Shell Park.

If you would like to receive community updates in relation to this project, please sign-up for our community updates.

When will the works be completed?

Once various stages are complete, they will be open to the public prior to the oval being available in late 2025. In the meantime, your closest playgrounds are Endeavour, Carlotta St, Propsting and Henningham. The nearest off-leash dog areas are at Lloyd Rees Park, Newlands Park and Shell Park. Your patience is much appreciated.

Council looks forward to delivering an exciting array of new facilities for the community to enjoy with the completion of the oval expected in late 2025 (subject to weather). 


St Vincents Road, Greenwich 2066  View Map