NSW Government Low & Mid-Rise Housing Policy


The State Government has announced the commencement of Stage 2 of the Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy. This new initiative introduces planning controls that will permit dual occupancies, terraces, townhouses, apartments, and shop-top housing within designated low and mid-rise housing areas.

These changes only apply to residential zones within 800 metres “walking distance” of the Lane Cove Village and St Leonards train station. Under the new regulations, there are specific non-discretionary development standards that if complied the Council cannot refuse based on local environmental plans (LEPs) or development control plans (DCPs).

The policy does not address the Complying Development process, indicating that streamlined approvals will apply solely to Development Applications. Residents can utilise a tool on the Department's website to verify if their properties fall within the 800-metre range: Spatial Portal DPIE

If you require any further information please visit Frequently asked questions – Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy | Planning or contact Council’s Duty Planner on 9911 3555

Join us to find out more

To assist the community in understanding the NSW government’s announcement of the Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy and how it applies to Lane Cove, Council staff will be hosting an information session:

Public Information Session - NSW Government Low & Mid-Rise Housing Policy

  • Monday 24 March
  • 6:00pm – 7:00pm
  • Lane Cove Council Chambers
  • Civic Centre, 48 Longueville Road, Lane Cove

Registrations are essential – book online today.