Sport and Recreation Centre

Artist's impression of the new Sport and Recreation Centre. West view.

History of Reports and Decisions

At its August 2024 meeting, Council unanimously resolved to update the website with a chronology of the reports and decisions by the Council in relation to the Sport and Recreation Centre. 

View a copy of the reports and decisions related to the Sport and Recreation Centre 

Watch the fly-through

We're building an exciting new eight court multi sport facility at 180 River Road, Lane Cove. Nearly 10 years in the making, this new facility will provide much needed sporting space for our community.

Watch the fly-through of the proposed space.  

How we're building it

Latest News - February 2025 Update

The new year has already seen great progress for the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre with more key milestones achieved across the project. 

  • The structural steel and roofing works for the central sports hall are now complete with significant progress made on the show courts’ structural steel.
  • The Level 1 Bistro and Multi-Function Area roofing is complete marking a significant achievement in the development of these spaces.
  • The Pro-Shop ground slab is completed, and the lift equipment has been received in anticipation of the installation of the lifts.
  • In collaboration with Ausgrid, the site has now been energised with all electrical meters installed.
  • Shop drawings for glazing and the façade are finalised paving the way for off-site manufacturing.
  • Bulk excavation earthworks and site levels have been brought to their final design levels.

ADCO are on track to complete all structural work by the end of April while service installation is progressing steadily throughout the car park.

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Next Steps

This month Council commenced its procurement activities to identify suitably qualified operator(s) for Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre via:

  • Expression of Interest for Food, Beverage and Events (FB&E) representing the first of a two-stage procurement process;
  • Request for Tender to Operate and Manage the Centre and / or Golf Course Management and Maintenance.

Both the EOI and Tender close in March. 

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Pictured: Last month Councillors visited the site to see the significant progress made since construction commenced in 2024.

A reminder of what’s planned:

  • $81m project, funded by Lane Cove Council with a $5m grant from the NSW Government, Office of Sport
  • Designed by AJC Architects
  • 8 multisport courts, 4 indoor and 4 outdoor  
  • 6 multi-purpose rooms
  • Bistro and outdoor dining
  • New golf pro shop and amenities
  • 234 space car park
  • Due for completion late 2025

Download the February update


What facilities will the new Sport & Recreation Centre have?

In addition to the existing golf course, the new Sport & Recreation Precinct will include the following:

  • 8 multi-sport courts (4 indoor and 4 outdoor courts)
  • Golf Amenities, including Pro-Shop and players’ lounge
  • 4 flexible program space(s) for recreation and leisure activities, functions and events
  • 1 multi-purpose space with sprung timber floor
  • Bistro and outdoor dining
  • 250 parking spaces, including 5 accessible spaces, plus 20 bicycle and 16 motorbike parking spaces

What sports will the new facility accommodate?

The new Sport and Recreation Centre is designed to be a multi-sport facility and will accommodate a multitude of sports and recreation activities, including, but not limited to, golf, netball, basketball, tennis, judo, fencing, futsal, volleyball, pickleball, dancing. 

Where is the new Centre being built?

180 River Road, Lane Cove 

In determining the location, Council considered a number of options, but investigations showed that it would not be possible to provide the same level of facilities at a similar cost to the current project. More information is available in the report to the August 2022 Council meeting.

When will the new sports precinct be built?

Council’s Early Works Contractor (Rainbow Group) commenced Stage 1, which includes demolition and bulk earthworks, on Monday 21 August.

The current program timeline sees construction of the project scheduled for completion in December 2025.

Why build a new sport and recreation precinct?

Council’s 2008 Recreation Action Plan found that there are no public indoor sports courts in the Lane Cove LGA. Supporting regional studies at that time and in the interim also showed that there is a supply / demand imbalance in Sydney's North for sports such as basketball and netball.

In 2013 Montemare Consulting completed an initial feasibility report which examined opportunities for introducing new sports and facilities into the Golf Course Precinct whilst maintaining a Golf Course. It examined gaps in overall recreation facility provision and highlighted the lack of indoor facilities and facilities which catered for Women’s sports.

Based on the 2011 census, Lane Cove had a population of 31,510, the 2022 census recorded 39,438, a 25% increase. The NSW Department of Planning estimates the population will increase to 49,350 by 2041, in total increase of 56%. Since 2011, no additional multi-court facility capacity has been provided in Lane Cove or the lower North Shore.

In 2020, Council engaged Xypher Consulting to prepare an updated business case focusing on demand and social capital. The Business Case demonstrates community need, community support, economic, health and social benefits on a sub-regional scale, with the following key points highlighted:

  • Lane Cove is part of the largest membership clubs and / or associations for basketball and netball state-wide;
  • Willoughby Outdoor Courts on a netball usage basis, have the heaviest demand per court in Metropolitan Sydney;
  • Netball has become a three-day weekend of competition sport versus historically Saturday only (including ALL games already being reduced by 15 minutes);
  • 88% of Lane Cove netball members play in Willoughby; and
  • 89% of Lane Cove basketball members play in North Sydney

Based on both the Gore Hill and the Council’s projects proceeding and the addition of a court at the North Sydney Indoor Sports Centre; the area would have up to 19 courts, leaving a gap of 4 courts in 2036.

How much will the Centre cost to build?

Council has capped the total project cost at $81M. 

How is the project being funded?

The funding for the project is outlined below: 

Source Amount Notes
General Funds $33,500,000 Proceeds from 266 Longueville Road Long Term Lease Income
s7.11 funds available + due $25,000,000 Incl. $22M received and future commitments for projects currently in progress
Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund $5,000,000 NSW Government funding grant
T-Corp 10yr Loan $10,000,000 Eligible for Interest Rate Subsidy 
Sustainability Levy $1,500,000 Current Balance of Reserve plus 6 year, $200k pa. commitment
 Approved Variation $6,000,000 Sourced from interest on investments and Capital Works Reserve
Total $81,000,000  


The loan obtained for the project is a $10M loan fixed for 10 years with a 50% discount on the interest rate for the life of the loan equating to a rate of 2.2%.  

Council was successful in obtaining a $5 million grant for the project under the NSW Government Multi Sport Community Facility grants program.



What about the environmental impacts?

Council resolved in August 2022 to adopt a high level of sustainability features with a budget of circa $10 million which is included in the overall budget of $75 million. Key considerations include water reduction and reuse, energy reduction and recovery. Consultants Steensen & Varming have worked with the design team to ensure the detailed design addresses our sustainability priorities. These consultants will work throughout the project to provide continued design advice, refining the details, tracking progress, and confirming compliance of the design to achieve the environmental outcomes. All trees removed will be replaced at a minimum of 2:1 with local native plant species.

What are the interim arrangements for the Golf Course?

At the April 2023 meeting, Council recommitted to keep the Golf Course fully operational with a modified 9 hole layout during construction of the Sport & Recreation Facility relying on existing on-street parking arrangements (i.e. no changes) adjacent to the Golf Course.

Council and the Golf Club have agreed an interim (construction phase) membership fee structure, within which there is no minimum number of members required. The Golf Pro Shop and coaching operations will continue under the stewardship of existing operators during the construction phase.

Council has procured temporary facilities for maintenance, golf operations (pro shop) and amenities during the construction and from Monday 21 August golf will be accessed via Gamma Park where the temporary pro-shop has been installed at the (old) 3rd tee thereby becoming the new 1st tee.

The golf course has been re-routed and shortened to accommodate the construction phase of the project.

Has the design for the Sport and Recreation Centre changed since the DA?

As part of the design development and cost reduction process of the negotiations with the head contractor for construction of the project, it is confirmed that the principles regarding facility spaces and capacity, design aesthetics and sustainable building design were adhered to.

Subject to detailed design being finalised, it is not anticipated that a s4.55 modification of the development consent for the building will be required to accommodate the nominated/agreed value engineering changes.


Previous Updates

December 2024

We are excited to share that the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre is well and truly taking shape. With the piling works complete, concrete ground slabs for Level 1 and Level 2 are now being poured and the installation of structural steel has begun. 

As the year draws to a close we can also confirm the site excavation is complete (excluding landscaping earthworks), and the Ausgrid sub-station has been installed to power the community facility to come.

Contractor ADCO have completed the construction of the 200,000L rainwater tank, the installation of the structural steel for the bistro and program rooms.

Upcoming works will include:

  • Installing the roof on the bistro and program rooms
  • Installation of the western sports courts structural steel
  • Continuing to pour the remainder of the Level 1 and 2 concrete slabs.

We are committed to keeping you informed as this exciting project progresses. Thank you for your patience and support as we work to deliver a state-of-the-art facility for our community.

What is being delivered:

  • Due for completion late 2025
  • 4 indoor multisport courts
  • 4 outdoor multisport courts
  • 6 multi-purpose rooms
  • Bistro and outdoor dining
  • New golf pro shop and amenities
  • 234 space car park
  • Designed by AJC Architects
  • $81m project, funded by Lane Cove Council with a $5m grant from the NSW Government, Office of Sport

Lane Cove Golf Course is open!

Throughout the construction period, the Lane Cove Golf Course is open and the fairways are looking beautiful!

Book in today for a round of golf by scanning the QR code or visit 

Download the December 2024 update


August 2024

A significant milestone was reached in August with piling work completed and the first of the ground floor concrete pours taking place.

As part of the project’s best practice, the concrete mix used for the slab is low-carbon which is just one of the many environmentally sustainable design (ESD) features. The recycling of the previous tennis court surface has already taken place and the installation of a large onsite rainwater retention tank is imminent.

Other ESD features include:

  • A large scale 200kw solar PV system
  • No gas supply or gas plant and equipment (all electric)
  • 5x charging stations to promote uptake in electric vehicles
  • Reduced need for mechanical ventilation by using an operable louvre system to ensure natural cross ventilation to the indoor courts, program rooms and bistro area
  • Naturally ventilated carpark
  • Selection of LED light fittings that comply with ‘dark sky principles’ to minimise impact to surrounding environment and fauna
  • Low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) for all internal finishes
  • Energy efficient fittings, equipment, and plant
  • High level of acoustic comfort with sound reduction prioritised throughout the design and extensive use of double glazing
  • Water efficient equipment and fittings
  • Biodiversity enhancement through selection of native plant species. An increase of 2:1 trees have been implemented for all trees removed as part of the design
  • Use of reusable formwork to reduce construction waste

These ESD features, along with other measures, are part of Council’s focus on ensuring that the building is not only environmentally sustainable and healthy for the people who use it, but also resilient to changes in climate.

Upcoming works

The next stage of works will include:

  • Continuation of ground floor concrete slab pours
  • Continuation of level 2 formwork and concrete slab pours
  • Excavation of rainwater storage tank / construction of concrete tank
  • Completion of water main upgrade works

Download the August 2024 Project Update

June 2024

Almost 12 months since commencement of construction, the full detailed design documentation for the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre is now complete.  Works on site have been ongoing with bulk excavation, and detailed excavation including piling to create foundations for the building, approaching completion. 

Progress Summary and Upcoming Work

  • Completed sewer works
  • Completed re-shaping of golf course 7th hole
  • Completing piling work (70% done)
  • Completing 7th hole inground irrigation and turf
  • Completing installation of new stormwater connections
  • Completing construction of lift pits, stairs, and service rooms

Project Budget

With design documentation now complete, three key risks have been identified as impacting the project:  unexpected sewer works, the updated Remediation Action Plan, and wet weather.  Two of the risks are now forecast to see the $75 million project budget exceeded. The current forecast is in the order of a 7% increase in cost for the project.  Funding has been identified to address the increased costs which will not impact Council’s existing capital works projects.  

Download the June 2024 Project Update

View the Sport & Recreation Centre - May Update reported to the 23 May 2024 Council Meeting

Due to Stormwater and Drainage Works on the lower portion of the golf course, the current 5th and 6th holes are closed. They remain closed due to recent wet weather. Council apologises for any inconvenience caused.

April 2024

Piling has commenced

Now that excavation is complete, over the past month the piling rigs have arrived on site to start the process of boring the piling foundations. A total of 100 out of 285 piles has been completed to provide the support for the building’s foundations. Once the piling is complete structure of the Lane Cove Sport & Recreation Centre will begin to take shape. While the sewer upgrade and diversion works required by Sydney Water continue; the in ground service installation for the site is also underway.

Upcoming work

  • Backfill and commissioning the new sewer
  • Continuing piling in the northern end of the site
  • Completion of bulk earthworks. Continuation of detailed earthworks
  • Continuing concrete pad footings
  • Lift pit construction
  • Continuation of Inground storm water / hydraulic services
  • Reshaping the golf course embankment to improve surface run off

ADCO - Community Notification of Out of Hours Work - Monday 29 April


March 2024

Piling has commenced

Now that excavation is complete, over the past month the piling rigs have arrived on site to start the process of boring the piling foundations. A total of 100 out of 285 piles has been completed to provide the support for the building’s foundations. Once the piling is complete structure of the Lane Cove Sport & Recreation Centre will begin to take shape. While the sewer upgrade and diversion works required by Sydney Water continue; the in ground service installation for the site is also underway.

Upcoming work

• In ground services

• Footings

• Slabs on Ground

Remediation Action Plan

As a Condition of Consent for the Development Application for the site; a revised Remediation Action Plan was required.

Following the latest detailed site investigation completed in March; a new Remediation Action Plan was developed to inform the activities of those involved in the on-site works. Approval by the site auditor of this revised plan was given on 26 March 2024.  

View the:

Detailed Site Investigation Report

Revised Remediation Action Plan – March 2024

Site Auditor Advice – 26 March 2024

Easter Long Weekend

Please note that there will be a break in construction from Friday 29 March through to Tuesday 2 April inclusive with workers returning to site at 7:00am on Wednesday 3 April. 

Download the March/April Project Update

February 2024

Completion of excavation and commencement of piling

With 2024 well underway, the excavation stage of construction is nearing completion despite the weather delivering either heavy rain, or excessive heat, for much of summer. Over the coming months, the structure of the Lane Cove Sport & Recreation Centre will begin to take shape, starting with the commencement of piling work in March.

Work completed this month

  • Excavation to design level
  • Sewer upgrade and diversion works
  • ADCO site compound set-up

Upcoming work

  • Delivery of the piling rigs
  • Commencement of piling
  • Inground service installation

Management and Operating Model

At the 7 December 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, the management and operating model of the Sport and Recreation Centre was discussed. You can view the minutes from the meeting at

Download the February Project Update.


December 2023

Site excavation and lodgement of an application for modification of the Development Consent

This month’s construction activity sees excavation and remediation works continuing and commencement of the sewer diversion works which were recently approved by Sydney Water.

An application has also been lodged to modify the existing development consent to reflect design development post the original Development Application approval.

Internally the changes include internal reconfigurations based on feedback which were incorporated into the design before Council went to tender for the project, including separate stair access to the multi-purpose rooms, relocation of the golf pro shop and golf maintenance and reconfigured mezzanine level.

Externally the main change is the inclusion of outdoor shade structures over the seating to the outdoor courts and the realignment of the entrance shared user path to be directly adjacent to the driveway to facilitate better drop-off opportunities with direct access to the path.

Information about the application is available in the revised Architectural Plans and Statement of Environmental Effects under Development Applications on Exhibition

Council is also at the stage of considering the appropriate management and operating model for the Centre which is the subject of a report to the 7 December Council meeting. 

Download the December Project Update.

November 2023

From September 2023 Council commenced monthly community updates which are distributed to neighbouring residents and to the Sport and Recreation Precinct enewsletter subscribers.

Please find below the update for the month of November:

October 2023

From September 2023 Council commenced monthly community updates which are distributed to neighbouring residents and to the Sport and Recreation Precinct enewsletter subscribers.

Please find below the update for the month of October:

September 2023

From September 2023 Council commenced monthly community updates which are distributed to neighbouring residents and to the Sport and Recreation Precinct enewsletter subscribers.

Please find below the update for the month of September:

August 2023

Lane Cove Golf Club Work Begins

Council’s Early Works Contractor (Rainbow Group) will start on site on Monday 21 August at the Lane Cove Golf Club site, 180 River Road.

From 7:00am, access will be closed to the Golf Club car park entrance from River Road. In addition, site fencing will block access from Stevenson Street to the Golf Club car park.  Stevenson Street remains open to River Road for resident access.

From Monday 21 August the tennis courts will be closed, and golf will be accessed via Gamma Park where a temporary pro-shop has been installed at the 3rd tee for the duration of construction.

The golf course has been re-routed so that the current 3rd tee becomes the new first tee, and the 1st hole has been shortened to accommodate the construction.

Ground broken for new Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Centre

Friday 18 August 2023

Lane Cove Council has taken the next step in delivering a new state of the art Sport and Recreation Centre to the people of Lane Cove and the Lower North Shore by appointing ADCO Constructions P/L as the head construction contractor for the $75m project. ADCO was also the builder of Council’s multi-award winning The Canopy development.

Designed by AJC Architects, the new 8 court multi-sport community facility, bistro and 250 space car park (including 5 disabled parking spaces and 16 additional motor bike spaces) is being built on the car park and former clubhouse at Council’s Lane Cove Golf Course, which will remain open throughout the construction program.

The project is funded by Lane Cove Council and a $5m grant from the NSW Government.

General Manager Craig Wrightson said “Council is addressing the identified shortage of sports facilities in the area, and across northern Sydney. Due to be opened in late 2025, the new facility will be where everyone can play and socialise whether it be netball, basketball, tennis, dancing, or social events.”

“By the end of 2025, the community will be able to enjoy the four indoor and four outdoor courts, indoor and outdoor dining, multi-purpose community rooms, and pro shop, all with views over the tree-lined golf course and valley”.

Mr Wrightson assured the community that golfers can continue to use the course throughout the construction program. “The course entry and pro shop have been moved to a new temporary site on Gamma Road to enable earth works to begin.” said Mr Wrightson.

“This is another major capital project delivered by the Council, following the soon to be opened $45m Wadanggari Park over the railway at St Leonards, the much-loved $80m The Canopy development, and the $15m 8 lane 50m pool, 900 seat grandstand and youth centre at the Lane Cove Aquatic Centre complex.”

Celebrating turning the sod

From left to right: Sarah Johnston Greenwich Sports Club Netball, Trish Crews Netball NSW, Clr Katherine Mort, Frank Hammersley Greenwich Sports Club, Clr Scott Bennison, Barbara Oliver Lane Cove Golf Club, Clr David Roenfeldt, Clr Merri Southwood Deputy Mayor, Dane-Lucas Kovacevic Tennis NSW, Clr Andrew Zbik Mayor, Anthony Roberts MP Member for Lane Cove, Karmen Karamanian Lane Cove Netball Club, Bret Mactavish Northern Suburbs Basketball Association, Charlotte Siddle Northern Suburbs Netball Association.

Contractor appointed to build Lane Cove's new Sport and Recreation Centre

Friday 18 August 2023

Lane Cove Council has taken the next step in delivering a new state of the art Sport and Recreation Centre to the people of Lane Cove and the Lower North Shore by appointing ADCO Constructions P/L as the head construction contractor for the $75m project. ADCO was also the builder of Council’s multi-award winning The Canopy development.

Designed by AJC Architects, the new 8 court multi-sport community facility, bistro and 250 space car park (including 5 disabled parking spaces and 16 additional motor bike spaces) is being built on the car park and former clubhouse at Council’s Lane Cove Golf Course, which will remain open throughout the construction program.

The project is funded by Lane Cove Council and a $5m grant from the NSW Government.

General Manager Craig Wrightson said “Council is addressing the identified shortage of sports facilities in the area, and across northern Sydney. Due to be opened in late 2025, the new facility will be where everyone can play and socialise whether it be netball, basketball, tennis, dancing, or social events.”

“By the end of 2025, the community will be able to enjoy the four indoor and four outdoor courts, indoor and outdoor dining, multi-purpose community rooms, and pro shop, all with views over the tree-lined golf course and valley”.

Mr Wrightson assured the community that golfers can continue to use the course throughout the construction program. “The course entry and pro shop have been moved to a new temporary site on Gamma Road to enable earth works to begin.” said Mr Wrightson.

“This is another major capital project delivered by the Council, following the soon to be opened $45m Wadanggari Park over the railway at St Leonards, the much-loved $80m The Canopy development, and the $15m 8 lane 50m pool, 900 seat grandstand and youth centre at the Lane Cove Aquatic Centre complex.”


July 2023

Council to commence negotiations with Head Contractor

On Thursday 20 July, Council authorised the General Manager to undertake negotiations with the highest-ranked tenderer from the recently completed tender process.

The decision of Council is an endorsement of the Tender Evaluation Panel’s recommendation to decline all three tender submissions as none of the tenders received were within the construction cost allowance for Stage 2 works. The Panel identified that all three tenderers are suitability qualified and can demonstrate capacity and capability for the project. They recommended that in the first instance, Council enter into negotiations with the preferred tenderer, ADCO Group/ADCO Constructions.

The General Manager will now commence negotiations with the aim of entering into a contract that aligns with Council’s nominated budget for the Stage 2 – Main Construction Works.

The Stage 1 Early Works, which include demolition and bulk earthworks remain on hold at this time, however these are planned to commence as soon as negotiations with the Head Contractor have been finalised.

The report to the July Council meeting provides more detailed information about the procurement process. The golf course and tennis courts will continue to operate unchanged at this time.


June 2023

June Council Meeting

At the June Council meeting, Council was asked questions in relation to its Long-Term Financial Plan and how it caters for the Sport & Recreation Facility. The following outlines how Council has done this and reaffirms Council's capacity to borrow $10m as part of the project.

The adopted 10 year Long Term Financial Plan (2023) includes the following budget estimates for the proposed Sport and Recreation Facility

a. the capital construction costs ($75m),

b. the capital sources of funding for the project ($75m),

c. the annual depreciation of the facility once completed,

d. the debt servicing of the $10m loan, and

e. the annual income and expenditure estimates of operating the facility once it is opened.

This meets Council’s obligations to consider both the upfront cost of a project and its ongoing income and expenditure requirements.

Before borrowing funds, Council needs to identify its capacity to repay the debt. The debt-service coverage ratio included in the Long Term Financial Plan measures a council’s available cash flow to pay its debt obligations. The ratio is calculated by dividing the operating result before capital and excluding interest and depreciation, by principal and interest loan repayments. Councils are encouraged to borrow funds for infrastructure related projects so long as they can service the debt obligations associated with the loan borrowing.

The benchmark target for debt servicing is greater than 2.00x, i.e. the higher the number the better. This target has been established to ensure that councils do not over-commit themselves when it comes to debt dependency and ensure they have sufficient revenue capacity to service their debt servicing obligations. The adopted 2023 Long Term Financial Plan includes a debt servicing figure of 12.68x, clearly better than the benchmark of greater than 2.00x.

It is also important to note that TCorp only approved the loan of $10m to Council for the proposed sport and recreation facility after they had undertaken their own due diligence into Council’s financial position and its capacity to honour the debt servicing obligations associated with the loan. In approving the loan, TCorp was satisfied Council has the financial means to adequately service its debt obligations.

Delay to Early Works Construction Activities

Council engaged an early works contractor to begin demolition prior to 30 June 2023, pending receipt of pricing for the Head Contractor (Building Construction) being within budget on 26 June 2023. Upon receipt of the pricing, none of the tenders received were within the construction cost allowance for Stage 2, included within the overall $75 million project budget.

Council's tender evaluation panel will continue to evaluate the tenders and produce a report with a strategy to move the project forward for the elected Council’s consideration in July 2023.

Based on this outcome, Stage 1 Early Works, which includes demolition and bulk earthworks will not commence before 30 June. The golf course and tennis courts will continue to operate unchanged at this time.

April 2023

A progress report on the Sport and Recreation Precinct was presented at the April Council meeting. It was decided a working group would oversee the golf course operations during construction of the Precinct. The golf course will remain open during construction which will include demolishing the existing golf club house and car park. A 'park n ride' six week trial will include a shuttle bus from the Little St car park.

Other items including a solar system, tender documentation and management model for the finalised Precinct were discussed at the meeting.

View the Council Agenda and Meeting Minutes.

Also, at its meeting in April, Council resolved to publish on the Sport & Recreation Facility page on the Council website a detailed explanation of measures implemented by Lane Cove Council responding to recommendations identified in the PriceWaterhouseCoopers report referenced in the North Sydney Council agenda for the Meeting on 26 April 2023.

Council has prepared a commentary on the matters that have been identified in the PwC external review of the North Sydney Olympic Pool Redevelopment Project from the publicly available information. In providing the commentary, Council in no way is commenting on or passing judgment on the matters identified, but rather to outline the actions Lane Cove Council is taking in relation to the management of its Sport and Recreation Facility project in respect of the issues identified.


March 2023

Following the Council Meeting on 23 March, Council will be proceeding with Stage 1 procurement with no work to commence prior to close of tenders for Stage 2.

View the Council Agenda and Meeting Minutes.

Development applications will be reviewed and a summary report will be presented at the April Council Meeting. Any changes to the documents will be issued as addendums to the tender documents.

November 2022

The development application (DA147/2022) was submitted and is open for your viewing and comments until 23 January 2023 (originally 13 January but has been extended). If you have questions in relation to the development application you can contact Council's Manager - Development Assessment, Rajiv Shankar by email or phone 9911 3527.

Council has been advised that it was successful in obtaining a $5 million grant for the project under the NSW Government Multi Sport Community Facility grants program. As previously reported to Council, this grant program requires construction to commence by 1 July 2023 and be completed by December 2025. The project timetable outlined above provides a pathway for this to occur, with an estimated construction time of 18 months commencing in June 2023.

Also, as part of the funding strategy for the project, Council has been successful in obtaining approval for a T-Corp $10M, 10 Year fixed rate loan, with the actual rate aligned to the draw down date. It is anticipated the rate will be circa 4.6% fixed.Council made a further application under the NSW Government Low-Cost Loan Initiative andwas successful in obtaining a grant of an additional $599,701, for an increased interest rate subsidy, with the total subsidy now up to $1,414,040. This returns Council’s interest rate subsidy to 50% of the 10 Year fixed rate, circa net 2.3%.

Council’s Sport and Recreation Precinct Advisory Committee met on and discussed the following options during the construction period:

  1. Retain a fully operational Golf course with a modified 9 hole layout;
  2. Retain a limited operation Golf course with a less than 9 hole layout; and
  3. Not operate a golf course, maintain the general course condition to minimise reactivation costs post construction and allow general community access in the interim.

The construction program will see the course impacted for 18 months and therefore all three options are under consideration. The Committee will meet again early in 2023 to consider the relative strengths and weaknesses of each option. A key issue will be provision of suitable temporary parking should Options 1 and 2 be pursued. The Golf Club representatives on the Committee will consider this in developing a temporary alternate golf course layout concept for discussion.

August 2022

The minutes from the Extraordinary Council Meeting on Monday 29 August are now available to view online.

25 August

An Extraordinary Council Meeting in relation to the Sport and Recreation Facility will be held on Monday 29 August at 7:00pm. The Agenda is now available to view online.

August Update

The Agenda and Minutes for the 18 August Council Meeting are now available to view on Council's website. In summary, to finalise the preferred location this report considers a shortlist of locations for the facility post the 19 May 2022 Council report which considered all alternative locations, being:-

Option 1: Revised Facility with a new entrance at River Rd site with 5 Indoor / 4 Outdoor Courts

Option 2: Revised Facility with a new entrance at River Rd site with 4 Indoor / 4 Outdoor Courts

Option 3a: Acquire property in Lane Cove West Business Park and adapt to 4 Indoor Courts

Option 3b: At River Rd site, rebuild the existing outdoor courts, converting them to 4 multi-courts and construct a new Golf Club House.

Option 3c: Combine 3a. + 3b.

The report also includes the outcome of the review of the previous Development Application at the Golf Course,180 River Road site which includes revised entry arrangements, removal of the arrival plaza, and subsequent reduction in the outdoor court footprint, and further details of the Environmentally Sustainable Development options for the project. Finally, the report outlines the next steps if Council chooses to progress the project.

The report recommends that Council determine whether or not to proceed with the project and the preferred option if the project is to proceed.

View the Council Agenda for a copy of the full report.

May 2022

As per the report to the 21 March 2022 Council Meeting, the next activity in the process is the outcome report to Council which is due to the August Council meeting.

At the Council meeting on Thursday 19 May, Council considered a status report on the Sport and Recreation Facility alternate locations and business case. View the minutes of the Council meeting online.

April 2022

Have Your Say on the Sport & Recreation Precinct Options

Consultation is now closed. The survey ran from Wednesday 13 April to 12noon Friday 6 May 2022.

Council remains focused on delivering much needed multi-court sports facilities in the Lane Cove LGA to meet increasing demand for sports such as netball, basketball and tennis. Council is currently pursuing the following three options for the provision of courts:

  1. Redevelopment of the Lane Cove Golf Club
  2. Identifying alternate sites, primarily in the Lane Cove West Business Park
  3. Joint venture with Willoughby Council that includes their proposed Gore Hill development

The community is being asked to provide their feedback on the current options and are encouraged to join a community workshop related to the Business Case for the Sport and Recreation Facility.

Prior to completing the survey and/or attending the workshop it is recommended to review the current background information

Community Workshop

Tuesday 3 May, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Terrace Function Room, Lane Cove Community Hub, 1 Pottery Lane, Lane Cove

Council held a Community Workshop for a presentation of the Lane Sport and Recreation Precinct Business case by Simon Haire of Xypher Sport and Leisure. Maria Nordstrom (CEO Basketball NSW) and Belinda Bernstein (President Northern Suburbs Netball Association) will also be in attendance to shine a light on their respective sports and the challenges they face in terms of court supply, and junior development.

Workshop presentations included:

February 2022

Extraordinary Council Meeting - Monday 28 February

Council held an Extraordinary Council Meeting on Monday 28 February in regards to Notice of Motion - Sydney North Planning Panel Determination for DA 64/2021.

At the meeting, it was resolved that Council:

  1. Advises the Sydney North Planning Panel that it formally withdraws DA 64/2021 for the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Facility;
  2. Confirms that the two workshops from resolution 37/2022 will proceed as planned;
  3. Reaffirms Council's intent to consider all available options to meet the demand for indoor sporting facilities in the Lane Cove area; and
  4. In relation to point three (3), receive an updated project timeline at the March Council meeting.

The minutes from the Extraordinary Meeting are now available to view online.

February Council Meeting

Council considered a report 'Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Precinct - NSW Government Funding Opportunity' at its meeting of 21 February 2022, resolved that Council:

1. Receive and note the report;

2. Note that the Sydney North Planning Panel has refused Council’s request to defer the hearing of DA 64/2021 and that the hearing will proceed on 2nd March 2022;

3. Restates its resolution of 24 January 2022 that Council confirms its commitment to consider other options for the indoor sport and recreation facility, and acknowledges that an approved Development Application will not prevent Council from further consulting with the community and considering all possible options. In so doing:

a. That Council organise an open community workshop on sport and recreation requirements in Lane Cove with attendance open to residents of other LGAs; and

b. That promotion of the workshop will be designed to ensure the widest possible range of attendees.

4. Schedule a working session with Councillors on the details behind the current Business case for the project (with clarification of the source AT-1 or the Xypher Report). And following the internal working session, that Council conducts a public forum, with the current Business Case presented, and a Question and Answer session;

5. If Council decides to proceed with the Detailed Design phase of the current design proposal, undertake the following actions:

a. Engage the Sustainable Design Consultant to set Green Star or equivalent goals for the current building design;

b. Undertake a new Traffic Report which accounts for the increase in traffic to River Road with the three major proposed new developments in that precinct and in line with the Business Case modelling user numbers;

c. Arrange a review of the current scheme by the Lane Cove Design Review Panel, including the siting and review of the significant trees; and

d. Update the Building Cost Report and the Business case in preparation for re-release following the completion of points (a) to (c) above.

6. Not seek funding grants at this stage in the process.

A copy of the May 2021 full Business Case and Business Model prepared by Xypher Consulting is now available.

Sydney North Planning Panel determination of Development Application

The Sydney North Planning Panel has announced its public determination meeting for the Sport and Recreation Facility will be held at 4:00pm on Wednesday 2 March 2022.

The Panel's Notice includes the following information:

The meeting is to be held via public teleconference due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) precautions as a measure to ensure the health and safety of the community. Relevant documents are available on the Planning Panel's website.

To register to speak or to listen to this meeting, please contact the Planning Panel's Secretariat before 4:00pm on Monday 28 February 2022 on 02 8217 2060 or email You will be provided the phone number and code to enable you to join the public teleconference once registered. Any person may listen the meeting to the public teleconference. The panel is required to make an audio record of the meeting and make the recording publicly available on the Planning Panel's website. You should be aware that this may include your personal information if you are presenting to the panel. For more information: (02) 8217 2060

January 2022

Extraordinary Meeting - Monday 24 January

The minutes from Council's Extraordinary Meeting on Monday 24 January are now available to view online.

At the meeting it was resolved to:

  1. Request that the General Manager contacts the Sydney North Planning Panel and requests that they delay determination on DA 64/2021 for the indoor sport and recreation facility; noting that Council is not formally withdrawing the Development Application; and
  2. In the event that the Sydney North Planning Panel is unable or unwilling to delay determination on the Development Application, that Council confirms its commitment to consider other options for the indoor sport and recreation facility, and acknowledges that an approved Development Application will not prevent Council from further consulting with the community and considering all options.
Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Facility

The next stage of the new Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Facility is now rolling with the concept design finalised ahead of its review by the Sydney North Planning Panel.

The Sydney North Planning Panel recently deferred the public determination from 7 December 2021 and has requested further information in relation to SEPP 55.

Visit the Sydney North Planning Panel website for the latest information. You can watch the video flyover to see how the Sport and Recreation Facility will accommodate:

  • 5 indoor multi-sport courts
  • 4 outdoor multi-courts/tennis courts
  • Gymnasium
  • 3 flexible program rooms
  • Separate meeting rooms
  • Golf and/or tennis pro shop
  • Presentation stage and reception
  • A food and beverage offering
  • Multiple indoor and outdoor change room facilities and toilets; and
  • Large carpark for participants and visitors.

The final version of the Sport and Recreation Facility brings to life close to 10 years of concept planning, incorporating input and feedback from community consultation and Council workshops, qualified design consultants, leading industry specialists and operators as well as local sporting and community groups.

The design reflects three phases of concept development and input which began with a scope brief developed in consultation with the Recreation Precinct Liaison Committee. Following this, in 2018 an Expressions of Interest (EOI) to potential operators took place and in 2020 Council asked for the community's feedback on the concepts that were developed from submissions received during the EOI response phase. The feedback from the community consultation and further stakeholder engagement led to the final design being refined in March/April 2021.

As part of the Development Application process, the relevant design and planning documents were on public exhibition until 30 June 2021 (this DA exhibition period was twice as long as a standard exhibition).The application will be assessed by an independent consultant townplanner who will prepare a report on the application for consideration and determination by the Sydney North Planning Panel.

Council can confirm that the new facility is being built on the existing car park and tennis courts with two of the new outdoor multi-courts extending onto the first tee of the golf course. The Community Panel recently shared their community vision for the remaining outdoor space on the site which is in excess of 80,000 square metres. Council informed the Panel at their first session that the zoning of the site must stay – it must remain open space and likewise the bushland area has to be retained as is. You can find out more about the Panel process online. The Panel's vision is being reported to the July Council meeting.

As part of the Development Application Council has identified that 156 trees will be planted following the removal of 80 trees on-site.

The preparation of a Development Application represents a significant milestone for Council and the community as the planning determination will underpin the future of the Sport and Recreation Facility within Lane Cove.

Council plays an important role in providing community-based sport and leisure opportunities within the local government area. Council's priority is to create opportunities that support increased participation, social inclusion and interaction while promoting health and wellness that benefits the broader community.

The proposed facility will provide people with access to a range of health, fitness and leisure opportunities that will further support the community's wellbeing. Council has identified a number of ways in which the facility helps to contribute to its vision for Lane Cove to be a healthy and active community, including:

  • Delivering a fit-for-purpose integrated indoor and outdoor sport and recreation facility for the community, now and for the future;
  • Providing the wider community with more opportunities to participate in sport and active recreation, with improved health outcomes, through a range of contemporary fitness and wellbeing activities including exercise for seniors; the health conscious; students and social groups; as well as programmed competitive and social activities within a vibrant and dynamic community hub;
  • Utilising universal design principles to overcoming the constraints of physical accessibility so that the entire facility is usable by all people to the greatest extent possible;
  • Supporting significant economic benefits of:

- job creation, through the project construction phase and subsequent Centre operation;

- retention of local income (expenditure associated with sporting activities within the LGA); and

- attraction of additional regional income (generated by new and additional events, visitor spend and increased community usage);

  • Adopting design principles linked to industry best practice and trends, to include commercial elements within the Centre offsetting operational costs;
  • Providing both a competitive and training base to attract elite teams and individuals, including supporting associated program space;
  • Providing a family-friendly environment to promote, attract and retain junior participation and increase opportunities for sport (generally) and talent development pathways;
  • Providing a diverse range of contemporary activities which attract a larger proportion of the community as an enabler to increased social engagement;
  • Providing a long-term, inter-generational legacy for sports and community recreation for the local area and broader region;
  • Providing opportunities to improve visitation to the golf course;
  • Addressing strategic aims of Lane Cove Council, linked to identified community aspirations and community engagement initiatives;

Council sees the Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Precinct as aligning with Council's Strategic Plan and its vision for 2035: "Lane Cove will have a healthy and active community. Organised sport will continue to play an important role, along with new opportunities for leisure and for lifelong learning. Lane Cove will make the most of its natural environment and open space in encouraging outdoor activity and improved health and wellbeing."

The community is reminded that the Sport and Recreation Precinct is proposed for the curtilage of the Lane Cove Golf Course. The future use of the outdoor open space at Lane Cove Golf Course is being considered separately as part of Council's current Community Panel process. 



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