All your Rates FAQs answered

Do I need to let Council know if my address has changed?

Yes, it is your responsibility to advise Council of your new address and contact details. 

To update your details complete the change of address form online.

Select "Update rates postal address" from the drop down menu and click "Start".

 Alternatively you can email your new address and contact details to

How do I apply for a Pension Rebate?

Visit Discounts for Pensioners to find out more about how to apply for a Pensioner Rebate.

How can I get a copy of my Rate Notice?

Your rates and charges notice is normally issued in July each year, it shows you the annual amount calculated and the payment due dates. Important information regarding your rates and charges is included on the notice.

To request a copy of your rates notice visit Rates Request.

Select "Request for copy of rates notice" from the drop down menu and click "Start".

How can I get a copy of my Rates transaction history?

To request a copy of your rates transaction history visit Rates Request.

Select "Rates transaction history" from the drop down menu and click "Start".

When are my Rates due?

Rates are levied each year for the period of 1 July to 30 June.  You can choose to pay the amount shown on the annual (1st instalment) notice in full or by instalment. 

If paying in full the due date is 31 August.

If paying by instalment the due dates are:

Instalment One 31 August 
Instalment Two 30 November 
Instalment Three 

28 February

Instalment Four

31 May 


It is important to make your payments by the due date to avoid being charged penalty interest. Penalty interest will apply on any unpaid amounts as they fall due. 

What are Land Rates?

The major source of income for Council is the income derived from the levy of rates.

Rates are calculated based on the land value of your property and not the value of your premises. This value is determined by the NSW Valuer General (see NSW Valuer General "Your Land Value" Fact Sheet), and is usually reviewed every three years.

If you own a strata title property, the land value of the entire site is divided by the unit entitlement (listed on your strata plan) to ascertain the land value for each unit.

The income received from rates contributes to the provision of day-to-day services, maintaining and building new facilities for the community, improving infrastructure and protecting the environment in the Lane Cove local government area.

Examples include:

  • Waste collection, recycling and street cleaning
  • Local road upgrades
  • Improvements to leisure and recreational facilities
  • Improvements to library services; and
  • Town centre improvements

Rates are calculated using a rate in the dollar determined and reviewed by Council each year. It is a formula based on land value and usage – business or residential.

All land valuations and rates calculations are subject to a minimum amount. The rate in the dollar adopted by Council will be shown on your annual rate notice sent to you in July. 

Why was interest charged on my Rates?

Interest will be charged when you fail to pay your rate notice or rate instalment by the due date. 

Interest accrues daily, starting from the first day after the due date.

The rate of interest is set by Council but does not exceed State Government regulation percentages.

Council can write off interest in special circumstances but the best way to avoid being charged interest on your rates is to make sure payment is made before the due date.

What happens if I don't pay my Rates?

If you fail to pay your rates by the due date, interest will start accruing each day on the outstanding amount.

Council will send at least three advices before taking recovery action. If you still have not paid your rates after being sent these advices, Council policy is to commence legal action.  

This situation can occur because Council may not have your current mailing address. It is your responsibility to inform Council when your details change.

Advise Council of a Change of Address.

What can I do if I am having difficulty paying my Rates?

If you are experiencing difficulty in paying your rates account you may enter into an arrangement to pay smaller more regular payments each week, fortnight or month.

Under certain circumstances, the Council may waive penalty interest charges due to Financial Hardship.

To contact Council regarding a Hardship request visit Rates Request.

Select "Hardship" from the drop down menu and click "Start".

Council may consider formal legal recovery action on accounts that remain in arrears for an extended period. Notice of possible legal action is issued separately and needs to be attended to as a matter of urgency. 

What do I need to do if I am buying or selling a property?

The responsibility for the payment of Council Land rates always remains with the property owner.

When a property is sold, as part of the conveyancing process a Certificate of Outstanding Rates and Charges is purchased from Council. This certificate shows the account balance for the property for the current financial year. At settlement, a calculation is made to determine both the seller’s and purchaser’s responsibility for the amount of rates and charges shown on the certificate.

You can obtain a copy of this certificate (603 Certificate) here.

Please note that any enquiries relating to Land Tax (a State Government tax) are to be made directly to the Office of State Revenue on 02 9685 2155. 

What happens if I disagree with the value used to calculate my Rates?

You may appeal the rateable value with the Valuer General through a formal objection process. If you decide to lodge an appeal you will need to pay any rates issued by us. If your appeal is successful, your rates will be recalculated and any overpayment will be refunded at your request.

For more information on the objection process visit the Valuer General NSW page.

What land is exempt from council Land Rates and Charges?

Certain land is exempt from rating and is referred to as 'Non-Rateable'. In order to be eligible for a land rate exemption, land must belong to an organisation related to the purposes and be used in accordance with one of the following categories as defined by the Local Government Act 1993, generally they include:

  • Churches
  • Minister's residences
  • Schools
  • Public land
  • Hospitals
  • Land owned and used by public charities
  • Other land as provided in the provisions of the section 555 of The Local Government Act 1993

You may apply to have your property exempt from rating, or appeal our decision, in the Land and Environment Court. Further information regarding non-rateable land may be obtained from our Revenue Team on 02 9911 3555.

What options are there to receive my Rate and installment notices?

You can receive your notices in one of two ways:


You can receive your rates and instalment notices more securely by email.

This option will also give you access to Payreq, an easy to use online portal so you can check your notices any time, at your convenience.  There is no charge for this service.

Have your rates assessment number handy as it appears on your rates/instalment notice.

Register for online notices.

By mail

Your notices will be sent by Council via Australia Post to your nominated mailing address. Please ensure that Council has your correct mailing address. If you need to change your mailing address, please complete the online ‘Change of Address’ form .

What is the Special Parking Rate?

Lane Cove Council has levied a special rate “for the purpose of providing, improving and maintaining off street vehicle parking accommodation…”

The levy started in 1979 when Council, at a meeting on 25 June 1979 resolved to implement the special rate, following notice in the North Shore Times on 13 June 1979.

Properties within the Village Commercial Precinct, have an additional separate rate levied on the property for parking. In practice there is a large range in the amount each property pays because the value of properties varies, particularly when comparing a small suite in a strata block vs a large property which is not strata title. Contributions range from less than $100 to over $5000.

Council has prepared Facts about the Lane Cove Parking Rate which provides more details on how the levy works.

In addition the full Financial History of the Lane Cove Parking Rate, both revenue collected and what it has been expended upon is also available

Need more information?

If your question isn’t answered here you can contact Council by asking a General Enquiry. Visit Rates Request.

Select "Other" from the drop down menu and click "Start".

Is there a surcharge on Credit Card payments?

Please be advised, that as of 1 July 2024 Council will be re-instating a credit card surcharge fee of 0.80% for Rates Payments.

This surcharge represents the average cost to Council for credit card payments as applied by our bank and is therefore, a pass through representing no net financial gain to Council. Residents are encouraged to use BPay, where this option is available, as this payment method does not attract a surcharge.

Why is Council passing on a credit card surcharge?

Through this surcharge, Council will recover bank and merchant fees that it currently pays, which can be then re-directed toward Council’s spend on community services including parks and roads.

Can I pay by cash?

No, Council has phased out cash payment and handling services and in the future, will do likewise with cheque payment(s).

Is Council permitted to pass through the cost of bank fees to residents for the statutory payment of rates?

Yes, the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Payment Surcharges) Act 2016 bans “excessive” credit card surcharges such that a surcharge may only represent the cost as charged by the financial institution. It is not unusual for a local Council to pass on bank-related credit card payment processing fees.

How much extra will I pay?

On an average $800 rate notice, the additional cost borne by the resident will be $6.40.